Your Trusted And Trial-Tested Team

Helping Construction Professionals And Property Owners Overcome Obstacles

A legal dispute can bring your construction project to a sudden halt, costing you valuable time and money. At Song Whiddon, PLLC, our construction law attorneys utilize over 50 years of combined experience in construction, business law, real estate and litigation to help clients throughout Texas.

One of our attorneys, Jordan Whiddon, has an extensive family background in construction law. He combines his vast knowledge of the industry with his experience in complex litigation cases to provide comprehensive and reliable legal guidance to our clients.

Comprehensive Construction Law Representation

We represent clients on both sides of the industry, including businesses, property owners, developers, contractors and subcontractors in a wide variety of construction-related claims. Whether you need assistance drafting, negotiating or reviewing a contract or you have a payment dispute, you can rely on us to help protect your rights and advance your interests.

At Song Whiddon, PLLC, our attorneys can assist you with transactional and litigation-related construction law concerns, including:

  • Construction contracts
  • Contractor licensing
  • Materialmen’s and mechanics liens
  • Foreclosure lawsuits
  • Payment disputes

In addition to transactional concerns, our construction law attorneys can represent you in court whenever necessary. With a strong foundation in business law, we know how even a simple dispute can derail your project. We can also assist you with real estate, land use and zoning law concerns.

Schedule A Consultation Today

At Song Whiddon, PLLC, we value building long-term relationships with our clients. You will never be just another case number to us. We take the time to get to know you and build a strong relationship that lasts even after we help resolve your case. We will never try to drag out a conflict, rush you to a resolution or pressure you to make decisions against your best interests.

When you have questions or concerns, you can rely on us to respond promptly so that you always feel comfortable through every step of your case. To schedule a consultation at our Dallas office, call us at 214-390-4580 or fill out an online contact form.