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Why do homeowners sue construction firms they’ve hired?

On Behalf of | May 27, 2024 | Construction Law

Construction firms often secure new projects by word-of-mouth recommendations from their clients. In recent years, consumers have also begun relying on online reviews showing that a company has a history of satisfying the people who hire them.

It can take years to build the kind of reputation that leads to regular work and only a few disputes with clients to completely undermine that reputation. Clients who feel dissatisfied with the work performed by a construction firm may sometimes choose to initiate construction defect lawsuits.

If the civil courts rule in favor of the homeowner, a construction firm might either need to redo work that didn’t meet the client’s standards or provide financial compensation for the disappointed client. Why do those who hire construction companies to remodel, expand or erect a home sometimes sue those businesses later?

Disappointment with the final outcome

Many construction defect lawsuits specifically relate to a client’s disappointment. Sloppy painting, mold growth or low-cost materials when a client wanted prestige flooring could all be reason for someone who hired a construction firm to file a lawsuit. State law empowers homeowners to take legal action when the work done on a property isn’t professional quality. Especially when the contract negotiated between the company and the client includes standards that the client claims the company did not meet, a lawsuit might follow a client’s complaints.

Delays in project completion

Those hiring construction firms often look at a combination of factors when making a decision about what company to select. The proposed completion date for the project, the company’s reputation and the budget the company proposes can all influence who a client selects. Some companies over-promise and then cannot conform to the budget or timeline proposed in the agreement with the client. Delays in project completion could prove expensive, as clients may need to continue maintaining alternate living spaces for far longer than they anticipated. In some cases, delays in project completion could lead to real estate transactions falling through, which could cost a client thousands.

When a construction project does not meet a client’s standards or when they take issue with the work performed, construction litigation might soon follow. Construction firms that communicate with clients proactively and that have thorough contracts can limit their risk of lawsuits brought by dissatisfied and disappointed clients.