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How can you minimize the danger of trucks when driving?

On Behalf of | Jan 19, 2025 | Personal Injury

If you drive a normal-sized vehicle, you may rightly be wary of semi-trucks. They could do you a lot of harm were you to collide so it is wise to take steps to reduce the chances this happens.

The following tips can help you share the road with them in safety:

Don’t sit in their blind spots

Being in any driver’s blind spot is a bad idea, but the thing with truck drivers is that their blind spots are way bigger than the average driver’s and many drivers do not realize just how far they extend. One study found that only 40% of drivers could correctly identify all a truck’s blind spots. Make sure you are not one of them.

Realize they may need to pull out in the opposite direction they wish to turn

As a car driver, you can typically just turn the wheel in the direction you wish to turn and make the turn in one go. It’s different when driving a truck because the turning circle is larger. A driver may need to pull right before first to make a left turn and vice-versa. Know to give them plenty of space if they are indicating.

Understand truck drivers cannot stop on a dime

As a car driver, you might occasionally be guilty of braking late or changing lanes late, such as if you suddenly notice you need to turn off. If there is a truck behind you, you may be better off to miss the turn and take the next one, as forcing them to brake suddenly could lead to them running into the back of you. Trucks take far longer to stop than cars due to their weight.

If a collision occurs despite following these tips, learning how to claim compensation will be a must.